Peter Iliev2012-12-08T08:45:44+03:00

Dr. Peter Iliev, LL.M., Ph.D. (LL.D., J.D.)



Founder and Managing partner of „ILIEV AND PARTNERS Law Firm;

• The first and only lawyer who has participated as defense lawyer and legal representative in a court session of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria;

• Doctor of Laws (LL.D., J.D.);

• University lecturer at the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”;

• Chairman, lecturer and presenter in more than thirty scientific and business conferences;

• Member of scientific and research projects and teams;

• Author of three legal sciences books and more than fifty scientific articles, studies and publications on legal matters;

• Chairman of the Canadian Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce;

• Deputy Chairman of the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce;

Chairman of the Bulgarian Economic Chamber;

Honorary Consul of Barbados.


Scientific degrees and academic titles:


Doctor of Laws (2012).

University senior lecturer at the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski” (2006 – currently).


Education and awards:


Higher education in Law at the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”. Master’s degree in Law. Graduated his higher education in Law with full honors, as the best law student with the highest grades and obtained a distinction award (golden insignia) for graduating with full honors by the Rector of the University (2003). Specializations in „Jurisdiction”, „Public Administration”, „International Law and International Relations”.

First English Language Highschool, Sofia. Graduated with full honors as the best pupil with the highest grades (1997).




Specialization in English Commercial Law and EU Law at the Buckingham University, Great Britain. Graduated with full honors (2004).

Specialization in American Business Law – Legal Internship, New York, USA (2003).


Courses completed:


American Business Law – Part II (2002).

American Business Law – Part I (2001).


Professional experience:


Attorney-at-law, registered with Sofia Bar Association (2004 – currently).

Founder and Managing partner of „ILIEV AND PARTNERS” Law Firm (2004 – currently).

The first and only lawyer who has participated as defense lawyer and legal representative in a court session of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria (2013).

Doctor of Laws (2012).

University lecturer at the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski” (2006 – currently).

Member of the General Assembly of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski” (2011  – 2016).

Member of the Election Organization Commission at Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski” (2011  – 2016).

Chairman, lecturer and presenter in more than thirty scientific and business conferences.

Member of scientific and research projects and teams, supported by Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Author of three books on legal sciences and more than fifty scientific articles, studies and publications on legal matters.

• Honorary Consul of Barbados.

Chairman of the Bulgarian Economic Chamber (2015 – currently).

Chairman of the Canadian Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (2014  – currently).

Deputy Chairman of the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (2014  – currently).

Main speaker on legal matters at the 9th Real Estate and Investment Forum held in Sofia (2006).

President of the Supervisory Board of the National Law Students’ Association „ELSA – BULGARIA“ (2004  – 2014).

Organizer and coordinator of the visit of the representatives of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Sofia, and their presentations before Bulgarian law students and young lawyers (2004).

President of the National Law Students’ Association „ELSA – BULGARIA “ – the Bulgarian branch of the European Law Students’ Association „ELSA INTERNATIONAL“ (2002  – 2004). „ELSA INTERNATIONAL“ is the largest and most renowned law students’ organization in the world. Lecturer, speaker, chairman, moderator and coordinator of multiple seminars, international conferences, forums and projects in the sphere of EU Law, International Public Law, Commercial Law, and others.

Representative of the Republic of Bulgaria at the international peace conference in Cambridge, Great Britain, organized by the Council of Europe (1997).

Participations/lectures/reports in scientific conferences:


Scientific conference „The Bulgarian Constitutionalism put to the test again“ in honor of the 26th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria. (Sofia, 12 July 2017).

Scientific conference, dedicated to the 230th anniversary of the Constitution of the United States of America (Sofia, 4 July 2017).

Scientific conference „Legal Norms and Legal Principles“, organized with the support of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, 15 May 2017).

International scientific conference “Global Constitutionalism and its Challenges to the Westphalian Constitutional Law“, organized by the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” and the European Academy of Legal Theory (Brussels, Belgium) (Sofia, 7 April 2017).

Erasmus week of legal science, organized by the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, 4-6 April 2017). Series of public lectures of leading European lawyers from Erasmus programme partner universities. “Discourses on Legal Tradition and Constitutional Identity” (4 April 2017). “Supranational Constitutionalism and its Challenges to Democracy” (5 April 2017). “Contemporary Problems of Comparative Federalism” (6 April 2017).

Scientific conference „Freedom of expression. Protection of Journalistic Sources. Sources and Right to Information“, organized by the National Law Students’ Association „ELSA Bulgaria“. Scientific report on „Factors Influencing Freedom of Expression“. (Sofia, 28 May 2016).

Public lecture on „Globalism and Constitutional Rights“ at a conference organized by law students and with the support of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” in honor of the 25th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from the 12th of July, 1991 (Sofia, 16 April 2016).

Scientific conference „The Constitutional Reform: Time for Change“ in honor of the 23rd anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from the 12th of July, 1991. Scientific report on „Rationalization of the Organization and Work of the Supreme Judicial Council”. (Sofia, 12 July 2014).

Scientific conference, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the Tarnovo Constitution, organized by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Veliko Tarnovo University  „St. Cyril and St. Methodius”. Scientific report on „Constitutional Foundations of the Economic System and Ownership according to the Tarnovo Constitution”. (Sofia, 15 April 2014).

Scientific conference „The Bulgarian Constitutionalism”, organized by the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” and „Constitutionalism and Democracy” Association. Scientific report on „The  Promulgation in the Bulgarian Legislative Process – General Theoretical and Practical Aspects “. (Sofia, 12 July 2013).

Scientific conference „1700 years from the Edict of Milan – the Beginning of the Religious Freedom and Tolerance”, organized by the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”. Scientific report on   „Freedom of Religion and Religious Institutions in the Constitutional Legal Theory and in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria”. (Sofia, 11 June 2013).

International scientific conference, organized by the „Rotterdam Law Network“, attended by lecturers from numerous European law faculties. Participating in the organization of the conference and presenting of a scientific report on „The Legal Education in Bulgaria”. (Sofia, 19 April 2013).

Scientific conference „The Birth of the Bulgarian Constitutionalism“, dedicated to 134th anniversary of the creation of the Tarnovo Constitution. Scientific report on „The Legislative Process under the Tarnovo Constitution”. (Sofia, 16 April 2013).

Scientific conference, dedicated to 120th anniversary of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski”. Participating in the organization of the conference and presenting of a scientific report. (Sofia, 2 November 2012).

Scientific conference „Constitutional Guarantees and Mechanisms for the Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms”. Scientific report on „Bar Associations as Institutional Guarantees of the Fundamental Rights”. (Sofia, 3 December 2012).

Scientific conference „Social Functions and Legal Nature of the Fundamental Rights and Freedoms”. Scientific report on „Constitutional Legal Aspects of Ownership in the Context of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria”. (Sofia, 29 November 2012).

Scientific conference, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of prof. Boris Spasov, organized by the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria and the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ochridski”. (Sofia, 22 November 2012).

Scientific conference „Effective Application of the Legislation in the Sphere of Public Procurement”, organized by Vratsa administration. Moderator of the conference and presenting of a scientific report on „The Changes in the Public Procurement Act in 2012”. (Vratsa, 12 June 2012).

International scientific conference „Roman and Contemporary Public Law”. Scientific report on „Distribution of the Rule-Making Functions between the Parliament and the Government. Delegated Legislation – Comparative Legal and Theoretical Aspects”. (Sofia, 21 May 2012).

Scientific conference „Constitutionalism and Democracy during the Third Bulgarian State”. Scientific report on „Delegation of Legislative Powers from the Parliament to the Government during the Third Bulgarian State”. (Sofia, April 2012).

International scientific conference „Classical and Contemporary Trends in the Development of the Constitutional Control” dedicated to the the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria, organized by the Constitutional Court of Republic of Bulgaria. (Sofia, 2011).

Scientific conference in honor of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria and the creation of the Bulgarian Constitutional Court, organized by Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, „Open Society” Institute – Sofia and the Union of the Retired Constitutional Judges. (Sofia, 2011).

Scientific conference „Constitutionalism and Democracy” in honor of the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from the 12th of July, 1991. (Sofia, 2011).

Scientific conference „European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism”. Scientific report on „Theoretical, Practical and Comparative Aspects of the Legislative Initiative”. (Sofia, 2009).

Scientific conference „National Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism”. Scientific report on „The Promulgation in the Bulgarian Legislative Process”.  (Borovets, 2009).

Scientific conference „Law and Morality”. Scientific report. (Sofia, 2009).

Scientific conference „130 years of Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Contemporary Trends”. Scientific report on „The Efficiency in the Legislative Process from the View Point of the Scientific Theory of the Organization of Work”. (Sofia, 2008).

Scientific conference „130 years of Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Classical Problems”. Scientific report on „Constitutional Foundations of the Economic System and Property in the Different Stages of the Development of the Bulgarian Constitutionalism”. (Sveti Vlas, 2008).

Scientific conference „Organization and Work of the Court of Justice of the European Union”. Scientific report on „Powers of the Court of Justice of the European Union”. (Sofia, 2004).

Scientific conference „Legal Framework, Theory and Practice of Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnership”. Scientific report on „Models of Public-Private Partnerships – Theoretical and Comparative Legal Aspects”.  (Sofia, 2004).


Participation as a team member in scientific legal research projects:


Academic supervisor of the legal research group of the National Law Students’ Association „ELSA – BULGARIA “ – the Bulgarian branch of the European Law Students’ Association „ELSA INTERNATIONAL“  on a scientific project called “Freedom of expression: protection of journalistic sources” supported by the Council of Europe (2015 – 2016).

Team leader of international scientific research project on „Models and good practices in the sphere of public-private partnerships“ supported by the Canadian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (2016).

Team leader of international scientific research project on „Improvement of rule-making activities of state authorities in the sphere of regulation of business” supported by the Canadian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (2015).

Team leader of international scientific research project on „Sustainable legal models for improvement of the organization and activity of state regulators“ supported by the Canadian-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (2014).

Member of the scientific team in the faculty scientific research project „Constitutional Legal Defense of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms”, supported by Sofia University „St. Kilment Ohridski” (2012).

Member of the scientific team in the faculty scientific research project „National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism”, supported by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” (2009).

Member of the scientific team in the faculty scientific research project „130 years Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Problems and Trends”, supported by Sofia University “St. Kilment Ohridski” (2008).


Participation as a member of assessment committees in scientific legal research projects:


Member of an assessment committee in students’ scientific legal research project consisting of students’ legal research essays and their presentation in a scientific conference. The project and its scientific conference were supported by the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” (Sofia, 13 May 2017).


Books and scientific monographs:


Peter Iliev. The Legislative Process in the Republic of Bulgaria. Sofia, Feneya Publishing House, 2013, first edition.

Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Public Property Rights – Constitutional and Property Law Aspects. Sofia,

Feneya Publishing House, 2009, second amended and reworked edition.

Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Public Property Rights – Constitutional and Property Law Aspects. Sofia,

Feneya Publishing House, 2007, first edition.

Scientific articles and scientific studies in legal scientific magazines and legal compendiums:


Peter Iliev. Judicial Power in the Configuration of Separation of Powers. – In: Constitutional Research „25 years of democratic transformation in the Republic of Bulgaria”, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2017, 395-417.

Peter Iliev. Ratification Powers of National Assembly and International Treaties in the Context of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria. – In: Constitutional Research „25 years of democratic transformation in the Republic of Bulgaria”, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2017, 134-143.

Peter Iliev. Legal Essence of the Resolutions of the National Assembly. – Obshtestvo I Pravo Legal Magazine, vol. 2/2015, Sofia, Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, 2015.

Peter Iliev. Bar Associations as Institutional Guarantees of Fundamental Rights. – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Constitutional Legal Aspects of Ownership in the Context of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria. – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. On the Possible and Necessary Future Changes de lege ferenda in the July Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria in Connection with the Legislative Process. – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Attendance of the Members of Parliament in Parliamentary Sessions and Commission Sessions. Sanctions for Absence. Quorum. Majority. Date and Time of Voting (Comparative Legal Aspects). – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. The Delegated Legislation. – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Theory Regarding the Connection between the Law Making Factors and the Cognitive, Assessment and Will Elements of the Process Related to the Creation of Legal Rules. – In: Constitutional Research, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Suggestions for Rationalization of the Bulgarian Model of Distribution of Rule Making Functions between the Parliament and the Government. – In: Compendium in Memory of Teodor Piperkov, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014. 

Peter Iliev. Factors for Violating of the Competence and Types of Violations. Legal Means for Fixing the Consequences of Violations of the Competence. – Norma Legal Magazine, vol. 7/2014, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2014. 

Peter Iliev. Suggestions for Rationalization of the Bulgarian Legislative Process. – Pravna Misal Legal Magazine, vol. 4/2014, Sofia, Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Differentiation between the Functions of the Federation and the Subjects of the Federation. – Savremenno Pravo Legal Magazine, vol. 3/2014, Sofia, Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sibi Publishing House, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Public Law Essence of the Competence of the State Authorities. – Obshtestvo I Pravo Legal Magazine, vol. 5/2014, Sofia, Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, Feneya Publishing House, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Constitutional Foundations of the Economic System and Ownership according to the Tarnovo Constitution. – In: Compendium „135 years from the Adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution“ related to the scientific conference, dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the Tarnovo Constitution, organized by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Veliko Tarnovo University „St. Cyril and Methodius” (15.04.2014). Sofia, Sibi Publishing House, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Relations and Differentiation between Functions, Subjects of Influence and Powers of the State Authorities. – Yuridicheski Sviat Legal Magazine, vol. 1/2014, Sofia, Sibi Publishing House, 2014.

Peter Iliev. On the Practical Aspects of the Dynamics of the State Authorities’ Competence. – Norma Legal Magazine, vol. 3/2014, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2014.

Peter Iliev. Factors, Principles, Sources and Means for Determining the Competence of the State Authorities. – Pravna Misal Legal Magazine, vol. 4/2013, Sofia, Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2013.

Peter Iliev. On the Public Law Practice for the Application of the Instruments for Distribution of Competences. – Norma Legal Magazine, vol. 11/2013, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2013.

Peter Iliev. Powers of the National Assembly in the Sphere of Defense. – Obshtestvo I Pravo Legal Magazine, vol. 8/2013, Sofia, Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, Feneya Publishing House, 2013.

Peter Iliev. Freedom of Religion and Religious Institutions in the Constitutional Legal Theory and in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria. – Norma Legal Magazine, vol. 8/2013, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2013.

Peter Iliev. Distribution of the Rule Making Functions between the Parliament and Government. Delegated Legislation – Comparative Legal and Theoretical Aspects. – In: Roman and Contemporary Public Law, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2013.

Peter Iliev. Phases of the Pre-Parliamentary Legislative Process. – Savremenno Pravo Legal Magazine, vol 3/2013, Sofia, Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sibi Publishing House, 2013.

Peter Iliev. The Configuration of Rule-Making Powers between the Parliament and the Government. Delegated Legislation. – In: Revista General de Derecho Romano, vol. 20/2013, Spain.

Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Property Right Relations in the Construction of Water Power Plants”. – Sobstvenost I Pravo Legal Magazine, vol. 5/2012, Sofia, Trud I Pravo Publishing House, 2012.

Peter Iliev. On Certain Theoretical, Practical and Comparative Legal Aspects of the Legislative Initiative. – In: Legal Compendium „National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism”, vol. 2, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2010.

Peter Iliev. The Promulgation in the Bulgarian Legislative Process. – In: Legal Compendium „National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism”, vol. 1, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2010.

Peter Iliev. The Efficiency of Legislative Process from the View Point of the Scientific Theory of Organization of Work. – In: Legal Compendium „130 years of Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Problems and Trends”, vol. 2, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Constitutional Legal Foundations of the Economic System and Ownership in the Different Stages of the Development of the Bulgarian Constitutionalism. – In: Legal Compendium: „130 years of Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Problems and Trends”, vol. 1, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of the Energy Sector in Bulgaria. – In: Legal Compendium „Legal Guide”,  Investment Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Sofia, edition 2009, edition 2010, edition 2011, edition 2012, edition 2013, edition 2014.

Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of the Audio-Visual Sector in Bulgaria” – In: Legal Compendium „Legal Guide”,  Investment Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Sofia, edition 2009, edition 2010, edition 2011, edition 2012, edition 2013, edition 2014


Publications on legal topics in periodicals and specialized business editions:


Peter Iliev. License Regimes in the Еnergy Sector. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Operative Management of the Electricity System. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Regimes of Granting Permits for the Construction of Water Power Plants. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Transactions with Electricity at Freely Contracted Prices. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Transactions with Natural Gas. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Property Rights in the Energy Sector. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Technical Passports of Buildings. Sofia, 2009.

Peter Iliev. Commissioning of Buildings in Exploitation. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Deeds Related to the Completion Stages of the Construction Process. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Insurance in Project Design and Construction Process. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Public Procurement through the Procedure of Competitive Dialogue. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Scope and Contents of the Investment Projects. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Legal Regime of VAT for Transferring of a Commercial Enterprise. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Legal Grounds for Changing Detailed Zoning Plans. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Constitutional Aspects of Property. Sofia, 2008.

Peter Iliev. Legal Regime of the Complex Licenses. Sofia, 2007.

Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of Bio-fuels – European and National Aspects. Sofia, 2007.

Peter Iliev. Legal regime of VAT for Real Estate Property Transactions and Building Rights according to the New VAT Act. Sofia, 2007.

Peter Iliev. The New General Zoning Plan of Sofia. Sofia, 2007.

Peter Iliev. Legal Regimes of the Offshore Companies. Sofia, 2007.

Peter Iliev. Political Representation. Sofia, 2006.

Peter Iliev. The New Constitutional Amendments – More Questions than Answers. Sofia, 2006.

Peter Iliev. National Sovereignty vs. Military Bases. Sofia, 2006.

Peter Iliev. The New Legal Aspects of VAT in Property Transactions and Building Rights. Sofia, 2006.


Participation and presenting of reports on legal matters at specialized business conferences:


International business conference, organized by the Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania, with the participation of the Ambassador of the Republic of Romania (Sofia, 29 January 2014).

International business conference, dedicated to energy sector in the Republic of Bulgaria, organized by the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and held at the Residence of the British Ambassador (Sofia, 4 June 2013).

International business conference, dedicated to the economic and legal problems of the business, organized by the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce (Sofia, 21 May 2013).

International business conference, dedicated to the problems of the foreign investors in Bulgaria, organized by the British Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce held and at the Residence of the British Ambassador (Sofia, 5 March 2013).

International business conference, dedicated to problems and possibilities in the strategic sectors of the Bulgarian economy, organized by the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria and held at the residence of the Italian Ambassador (Sofia, 28 January 2013).

Business conference „The New Changes in the Tax Legislation” (Sofia, 2008).

Business conference „The Modern Problems of the Construction and Investment Process and the Construction Legislation. Negotiations between the Parties in the Construction Process. Regime of Public Procurement in the Construction Sector (Sofia, 2008).

International business conference „Bio-fuels” (Sofia, 2007).


Scientific interests and spheres of work:


Company and commercial law

Real estate and construction law

Energy law and natural resources

Life sciences/Healthcare sector

Banking law and Finance

Capital Markets

Tax law

Public and administrative law

Public Procurement

Competition law

Consumer protection law

Ecology law

Foreign Investment

Law of obligations

Labor and Insurance law

Intellectual property law

Public-Private Partnerships

Infrastructure Projects

Constitutional Law

Legislative Process

Organization of Human Rights Institutions

Protection of Human Rights






