About Us2023-11-06T17:23:41+03:00

About Us

Our Profile, Vision and Values

Our Profile

The legal practice areas of Iliev & Partners Law firm are Corporate and Commercial law, Real Estate and Construction law, Energy and Natural Resources, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Tax law, Public and Administrative law, Public procurement, Competition law, Consumer Protection law, Environmental law, Foreign investments, Contract law, Employment and Social Security law, Intellectual property law, Recovery of Receivables, Litigation, Constitutional law, Protection of human rights, Legislative process.

Our lawyers are young and dynamic. They are highly experienced professionals who have graduated with highest honours and distinction from the most prestigious law faculty in Bulgaria – the law faculty of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. They have also specialized in the field of corporate and commercial law in the USA and England. Professionalism of our lawyers is the best guarantee for the high quality of our services.

Our Vision

Iliev & Partners Law firm has been created to provide high quality legal advice in the sphere of business law services thus assisting in various business activities of foreign and local investors on the territory of Bulgaria. Our aim is to provide consistently high quality advice that combines legal expertise and an understanding of the commercial environment in which our clients operate. We are also prominent for our flexible and innovative legal methods.

We have been taught by the past in order to put the foundations of our successful future now, thus promoting our modern and dynamic law firm in such a way that it can perfectly meet all business needs and requirements of our foreign and local clients operating in different industry sectors.

The unique principle of our company is the prolific combination between our extensive legal consultancy experience and industry based knowledge.

The convergence of our past, present and future is marked by our permanent aspiration to provide first-class legal services perfectly meeting all practical needs and requirements of our clients.

Our Values

 • Excellence in everyone and everything. Quality is the fundamental feature of our reputation. We constantly strive to improve, expand and develop our practice areas and expertise thus strengthening our professional competence and perfection.

• Dedication to our clients. It is doing more than enough so that our clients know that a real effort has been made for them. In all we do we strive to satisfy completely all needs and requirements of our clients.

• Ambition is what drives us to make a success of what we are aiming to achieve. To be better at what we do; never to stand still; not to accept the average or the norm. We want the firm, our colleagues and clients to succeed.

• We are team players. Our clients know our relaxed constructive way of working, our open professional style.

Experience & Achievements

• Energy sector companies
• Electricity producers
• Owners of electrical power stations (water power stations, solar parks, wind parks)
• Licensed electricity traders
• Traders of oil, oil products and fuels
• Water sector companies
• Mining companies
• Concessionaires
• Real estate investors
• Construction companies
• Infrastructure companies
• Investment project management companies
• Joint-stock companies with special investment purpose
• Investment companies
• Banks and financial institutions
• Financial sector companies
• High-tech sector companies
• Telecommunication companies
• Satellite operators
• Media companies
• TV operators
• Radio operators
• Electronic medias
• Producers of audio-visual products
• Cinema industry companies
• Software- and IT companies
• Transport companies
• Shipping companies
• Logistics companies
• Hospitals
• Pharmaceutical companies
• Chemical industry companies
• Sport clubs
• Hotel operators and tourist operators
• Municipalities


LEGAMAX  ACCOUNTING – a leading Bulgarian accounting company.

LIOW & CO. – international law firm based in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), operating in South-East Asia.

GEORGE Y. YIANGOU & CO. – one of the largest and most prominent international law firms in Cyprus. It is based in Nicosia (Cyprus), and it also has branch offices in Athens (Greece) and Istanbul (Turkey).





Books and monographs

• Peter Iliev. Principles of Organization and Activity of the Judicial Power in the Bulgarian State of Law. ISBN 978-619-7295-21-4, Sofia, Evromedia Publishing House, 2023.

• Peter Iliev. The Legislative Process in the Republic of Bulgaria. ISBN 978-619-163-022-6, Sofia, Feneya Publishing House, 2013, first edition.

• Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Public Property Rights – Constitutional and Property Law Aspects. ISBN 978-954-9499-06-3, Sofia, Feneya Publishing House, 2009, second amended and reworked edition.

• Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Public Property Rights – Constitutional and Property Law Aspects. ISBN 978-954-9499-06-3, Sofia, Feneya Publishing House, 2007, first edition.


Academic articles and studies

• Peter Iliev. Constitutional Foundations of National Security. – In: Modern Dimensions in European Education and Research Area, ISSN 2367-7988, Volume 10/2022, Academic Publisher “Za bukvite – O pismeneh”, University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, 2022, 212-219.

• Peter Iliev. The Principle of Independence of Judicial Power in the Bulgarian Constitutional Doctrine and Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria (Sixth Chapter of the book). – In: Rule of Law in Bulgaria (Compilers: Professor Doctor Daniel Valchev – Dean of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski” and Associate Professor Doctor Martin Belov – Deputy Dean of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”), ISBN 978-954-07-5206-8, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2021, 203-294 (The Rule of Law in Bulgaria book was issued with the support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation and constitutes a part of the Rule of Law and Its Safeguards – Principles, Judiciary, Constitutional Court Project financed by the same Foundation).

• Peter Iliev. Supreme judicial council – Structure, Members, Organization and Powers. – In: Constitutional Research 2016, 70 Years of Republic, ISBN 978-954-07-4556-5, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2018, 98-125.

• Peter Iliev. Judicial Power in the Configuration of Separation of Powers. – In: Constitutional Research 2014-2015, 25 Years of Democratic Transformation in the Republic of Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954-07-4298-4, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2017, 395-417.

• Peter Iliev. Ratification Powers of National Assembly and International Treaties in the Context of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria. – In: Constitutional Research 2014-2015, 25 Years of Democratic Transformation in the Republic of Bulgaria, ISBN 978-954-07-4298-4, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2017, 134-143.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Essence of the Resolutions of the National Assembly. – Obshtestvo i Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 0204-85-23, vol. 2/2015, Sofia, Edition of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, 2015, 17-26.

• Peter Iliev. On the Possible and Necessary Future Changes in the July Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria in Connection with the Legislative Process. – In: Constitutional Research 2012-2013, Constitutional Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, ISBN 978-954-07-3786-7, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 461-510.

• Peter Iliev. Bar Associations as Institutional Guarantees of Fundamental Rights. – In: Constitutional Research 2012-2013, Constitutional Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, ISBN 978-954-07-3786-7, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 275-305.

• Peter Iliev. Constitutional Legal Aspects of Ownership in the Context of the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria. – In: Constitutional Research 2012-2013, Constitutional Protection of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, ISBN 978-954-07-3786-7, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 85-130.

• Peter Iliev. Attendance of the Members of Parliament in Parliamentary Sessions and Commission Sessions. Sanctions for Absence. Quorum. Majority. Date and Time of Voting (Comparative Legal Aspects). – In: Constitutional Research 2010-2011, Twenty Years from the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts, ISBN 978-954-07-3785-0, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 467-518.

• Peter Iliev. The Delegated Legislation (Models of Distribution of Rule-Making Functions between Parliament and Government). – In: Constitutional Research 2010-2011 Twenty Years from the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts, ISBN 978-954-07-3785-0, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 261-319.

• Peter Iliev. Theory Regarding the Connection between the Law Making Factors and the Cognitive, Assessment and Will Elements of the Process Related to the Creation of Legal Rules vs. the Practice of the Bulgarian Legislative Deviations. – In: Constitutional Research 2010-2011 Twenty Years from the Adoption of the Fourth Bulgarian Constitution – Constitutional Consensus and Constitutional Conflicts, ISBN 978-954-07-3785-0, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 60-98.

• Peter Iliev. Suggestions for Rationalization of the Bulgarian Model of Distribution of Rule Making Functions between the Parliament and the Government. – In: Theo Noster, Compendium in Memory of Chief Assistant Professor Teodor Piperkov, ISBN 978-954-07-3801-7, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2014, 290-307.

• Peter Iliev. Factors for Violating of the Competence and Types of Violations. Legal Means for Fixing the Consequences of Violations of the Competence.Norma Legal Magazine, ISSN 1314-5126, vol. 7/2014, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2014, 70-78.

• Peter Iliev. Suggestions for Modernizing of the Bulgarian Legislative Process.Pravna Misal Legal Magazine, ISSN 1310-7348, vol. 4/2014, Sofia, Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2014, 3-19.

• Peter Iliev. Differentiation between the Functions of the Federation and the Subjects of the Federation.Savremenno Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 0861-18-15, vol. 3/2014, Sofia, Edition of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sibi Publishing House, 2014, 25-35

• Peter Iliev. Public Law Essence of the Competence of the State Authorities.Obshtestvo i Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 0204-85-23, vol. 5/2014, Sofia, Edition of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, 2014, 58-77.

• Peter Iliev. Constitutional Foundations of the Economic System and Ownership according to the Tarnovo Constitution. – In: Compendium 135 years from the Adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution, ISBN 978-954-730-891-6, in connection with the scientific conference, dedicated to the 135th anniversary from the adoption of the Tarnovo Constitution, organized by the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria, Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Veliko Tarnovo University „St. Cyril and Methodius” (15.04.2014). Sofia, Sibi Publishing House, 2014, 312-320.

• Peter Iliev. Relations and Differentiation between Functions, Subjects of Influence and Powers of the State Authorities.Yuridicheski Sviat Legal Magazine, ISSN 1311-3488, vol. 1/2014, Sofia, Sibi Publishing House, 2014, 94-115.

• Peter Iliev. On the Practical Aspects of the Dynamics of the State Authorities’ Competence.Norma Legal Magazine, ISSN 1314-5126, vol. 3/2014, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2014, 41-54.

• Peter Iliev. Factors, Principles, Sources and Means for Determining the Competence of the State Authorities.Pravna Misal Legal Magazine, ISSN 1310-7348, vol. 4/2013, Sofia, Institute of State and Law at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2013, 3-23.

• Peter Iliev. On the Public Law Practice for the Application of the Instruments for Distribution of Competences.Norma Legal Magazine, ISSN 1314-5126, vol. 11/2013, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2013, 95-110.

• Peter Iliev. Powers of the National Assembly in the Sphere of Defense.Obshtestvo i Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 0204-85-23, vol. 8/2013, Sofia, Edition of the Union of Lawyers in Bulgaria, Feneya Publishing House, 2013, 29-45.

• Peter Iliev. Freedom of Religion and Religious Institutions in the Constitutional Legal Theory and in the Jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Bulgaria.Norma Legal Magazine, ISSN 1314-5126, vol. 8/2013, Sofia, Ciela Norma Publishing House, 2013, 72-85.

• Peter Iliev. Distribution of the Rule Making Functions between the Parliament and Government. Delegated Legislation – Comparative Legal and Theoretical Aspects. – In: Roman and Contemporary Public Law, ISBN 978-954-07-3477-4, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2013, 460-476.

• Peter Iliev. Phases of the Pre-Parliamentary Legislative Process.Savremenno Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 0861-18-15, vol 3/2013, Sofia, Edition of the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sibi Publishing House, 2013, 7-25.

• Peter Iliev. The Configuration of Rule-Making Powers between the Parliament and the Government. Delegated Legislation. – En: Revista General de Derecho Romano, ISSN 1697-3046, № 20/2013, España.

• Peter Iliev, Stoyan Stavru. Property Right Relations in the Construction of Water Power Plants”. – Sobstvenost i Pravo Legal Magazine, ISSN 1312-9473, vol. 5/2012, Sofia, Trud i Pravo Publishing House, 2012, Attachment, 1-24.

• Peter Iliev. On Certain Theoretical, Practical and Comparative Legal Aspects of the Legislative Initiative. – In: Legal Compendium National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism, vol. 2, ISBN 978-954-07-3073-8, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2010, 149-187.

• Peter Iliev. The Promulgation in the Bulgarian Legislative Process. – In: Legal Compendium National and European Dimensions of the Contemporary Constitutionalism, vol. 1, ISBN 978-954-07-3048-6, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2010, 113-131.

• Peter Iliev. The Efficiency of Legislative Process from the View Point of the Scientific Theory of Organization of Work. – In: Legal Compendium 130 years of Bulgarian ConstitutionalismProblems and Trends, vol. 2, ISBN 978-954-07-2851-3, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2009, 125-144.

• Peter Iliev. Constitutional Legal Foundations of the Economic System and Ownership in the Different Stages of the Development of the Bulgarian Constitutionalism. – In: Legal Compendium 130 years of Bulgarian Constitutionalism – Problems and Trends, vol. 1, ISBN 978-954-07-28-45-2, Sofia, University Publishing House „St. Kliment Ohridski”, 2009, 97-148.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of the Energy Sector in Bulgaria. – In: Legal Compendium Legal Guide,  Investment Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Sofia, edition 2009, edition 2010, edition 2011, edition 2012, edition 2013, edition 2014.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of the Audio-Visual Sector in Bulgaria – In: Legal Compendium Legal Guide,  Investment Agency at the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Sofia, edition 2009, edition 2010, edition 2011, edition 2012, edition 2013, edition 2014.


Publications in business editions

• Peter Iliev. License Regimes in the Еnergy Sector. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Operative Management of the Electricity System. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Regimes of Granting Permits for the Construction of Water Power Plants. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Transactions with Electricity at Freely Contracted Prices. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Transactions with Natural Gas. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Property Rights in the Energy Sector. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Technical Passports of Buildings. Sofia, 2009.

• Peter Iliev. Commissioning of Buildings in Exploitation. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Deeds Related to the Completion Stages of the Construction Process. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Insurance in Project Design and Construction Process. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Public Procurement through the Procedure of Competitive Dialogue. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Scope and Contents of the Investment Projects. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Regime of VAT for Transferring of a Commercial Enterprise. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Grounds for Changing Detailed Zoning Plans. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Constitutional Aspects of Property. Sofia, 2008.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Regime of the Complex Licenses. Sofia, 2007.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Framework of Bio-fuels – European and National Aspects. Sofia, 2007.

• Peter Iliev. Legal regime of VAT for Real Estate Property Transactions and Building Rights according to the New VAT Act. Sofia, 2007.

• Peter Iliev. The New General Zoning Plan of Sofia. Sofia, 2007.

• Peter Iliev. Legal Regimes of the Offshore Companies. Sofia, 2007.

• Peter Iliev. Political Representation. Sofia, 2006.

• Peter Iliev. The New Constitutional Amendments – More Questions than Answers. Sofia, 2006.

• Peter Iliev. National Sovereignty vs. Military Bases. Sofia, 2006.

• Peter Iliev. The New Legal Aspects of VAT in Property Transactions and Building Rights. Sofia, 2006.


Iliev & Partners Law firm would like to welcome cordially all young professionals meeting our requirements and willing to join our dynamic and successful team.

Your career in Iliev & Partners Law firm. is a guarantee for your successful professional development and improvement of your legal skills.

In relation to the expansion of our legal practice we are looking to hire people for the following positions:



• LL.M. – excellent academic records
• Minimum 2 years of experience in a legal consultancy position;
• Excellent practical knowledge and skills in the areas of Corporate and Commercial law, Real Estate and Construction law, Energy and Natural resources, Tax law;
• Excellent English /second western language is considered an advantage/;
• Computer literacy;
• Excellent organization and initiative;
• Business orientation;
• Team work skills;
• Excellent communication and negotiation skills.


• Legal consulting services;
• Legal due diligence;
• Legal opinions;
• Legal structuring of projects and transactions;
• Negotiations;
• Drafting project documentation;
• Legal services in the areas of Corporate and Commercial law, Real Estate and Construction law, Energy and Natural resources law, Tax law.

We offer:

• Legal work in young and dynamic team;
• Professional development in the most perspective legal areas;
• Opportunities for constant improvement of legal skills and knowledge;
• Excellent remuneration.



• third year law student ;
• Excellent academic records;
• Excellent written and spoken English;
• Computer literacy;
• Strong interest and motivation for professional development in the fields of Corporate and Commercial, Real Estate and Construction law, Energy and Natural Resources Law, Financial law, Tax law.


• Assisting the firm’s lawyers in their work;
• General office duties;
• Legal surveys and analyses.

We offer:

• Excellent opportunity for getting professional legal experience;
• Excellent opportunity for professional development;
• Flexible working hours;
• Creative working environment;
• Support from the partners in Iliev & Partners Law firm and senior lawyers in mastering legal issues.

If you are eager to take the challenge to join our ambitious team of professionals, observing high standards of quality and working for achieving effective solutions, please send your CV, Motivation Letter and recent photo to the following e-mail: [email protected].

We inform you that your personal data is protected by virtue of the Bulgarian Act for Protection of Personal Data and will be reviewed with strict confidentiality.