
Bulgarian Lawyers with an International Reputation for Excellence

Iliev & Partners Law Firm is a Law Firm of the Year Award Winner. The Distinction is the most prestigious Award of Excellence for a leading and reputable law firm in Bulgaria. The Best Law Firm of the Year Award was bestowed upon Iliev & Partners Law Firm at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations.

Iliev & Partners Law Firm is among the best and most successful law firms in Bulgaria. It is one of the leaders on the Bulgarian market of legal services. The law firm provides first-class legal services to foreign and local corporate clients in Bulgaria, Balkan region and South East Europe. We are Bulgarian lawyers with strong global experience and excellent professional expertise at national, European and international levels.

Our legal practice areas are Corporate and Commercial Law, Real Estate and Construction Law, Energy and Natural Resources, Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Tax Law, Public and Administrative Law, Public Procurement, Competition Law, Consumer Protection Law, Environmental Law, Foreign Investments, Contract Law, Employment and Social Security Law, Intellectual Property Law, Recovery of Receivables, Arbitration, Litigation, Constitutional Law, Protection of Human Rights, Legislative Process.

The Founder and Managing Partner of Iliev & Partners Law Firm is Peter Iliev who is a prominent and respected Attorney-at-Law, Associate Professor in Law (Public Law), Doctor of Law (Constitutional Law), Legal scholar, Honorary Consul of Barbados and Head of the Consulate of Barbados in the Republic of Bulgaria. Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Peter Iliev is a Lawyer of the Year Award Winner. The Distinction is the most prestigious Award of Excellence in the legal profession in Bulgaria. The Best Lawyer of the Year Award was conferred upon Dr. Peter Iliev by Professor Dr. Ognian Gerdjikov who is a former Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria and President of the Bulgarian Parliament, Professor of Civil and Commercial Law and Chairman of the professional award jury at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations.   

Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Peter Iliev, Ph.D. (J.D.) is also a Lawyer Philanthropist of the Year Award Winner. The prestigious Distinction was conferred upon Peter Iliev in high recognition of his humane and charity activity supporting noble causes and philanthropic initiatives. The respected and reputable Award was bestowed upon Peter Iliev at the National Justice Awards Ceremony supported by the International Association of Lawyers and all Bulgarian Bar Associations. 

Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Peter Iliev has got his Master’s Degree in Law (LL.M.) at the Law Faculty of Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Republic of Bulgaria graduating with the highest honours and highest distinction (100 %) as the Best student who is the First in his graduating LL.M. class and receiving a distinction award (golden insignia) bestowed upon him by the Rector of the University in recognition of the highest academic achievements and excellence.  

Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Peter Iliev has got specializations in Jurisdiction, Public Administration and International Law and International Relations, graduating with the highest honours and highest distinction (100 %) as the Best student who is the First in his graduating class. Peter Iliev has also got international specializations in Common Law, English Commercial Law and EU Law at the University of Buckingham, UK, as well as American Business Law in New York, USA, completing those specializations with honours and distinction too.  

Dr. Peter Iliev, Attorney-at-Law, is a member of academic research projects and teams on various legal topics and also an academic supervisor of legal research groups in academic projects supported by the Council of Europe and international organizations, as well as a Lecturer and Presenter at more than thirty academic conferences and a Chairman and Moderator at a great number of business conferences focused on various legal and economic topics.

Assoc. Professor Dr. Atty. Peter Iliev is an author of several books and monographs and many academic publications (articles, studies, etc.) on different legal matters as well as other publications on legal topics in periodicals and specialized business editions.

Dr. Peter Iliev is the Founder and Chairman of several well-respected and renowned business organizations – the Canadian Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, Bulgarian Economic Chamber and Caribbean Bulgarian Business Club.  

Dr. Peter Iliev, Attorney-at-Law, is a member of the Association of Honorary Consuls in Bulgaria which is a part of the World Federation of Consuls (FICAC) – the most prestigious global organization of Consuls recognized by the United Nations.